Sewage Treatment Plant Summer Maintenance - Proseptic

Summer Sewage Treatment Plant Maintenance

Reliable Septic Tank Installation Company

Last year, we wrote about the importance of keeping your septic tank in good condition throughout the summer months – but that doesn’t mean other wastewater treatment systems don’t also need care and attention.

Sewage treatment plants experience increased pressures throughout summer, with heat being just one of the many potential risks.

Find out more below about what you can do to minimise the problems facing sewage treatment plants this summer.

Effects Of Temperature And Wear

Sewage treatment plants use a combination of filtration systems and chemical processes to regulate the wastewater flowing through the system – processes which can easily be disrupted by the hot weather.

The biological and chemical reactions inside sewage treatment plants are caused by microorganisms which can be impacted by the higher summer temperatures, in turn impacting the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

Not all sewage treatment plants will be as seriously impacted as others, but you should still be aware of the potential problems – Activated Sludge and Aeration Filter Plants are more likely to be affected in this way by the hot weather.

Cleaning air diffusers, inlet filters, and pipework assemblies every 6-12 months will help keep your sewage treatment systems working and ensure wastewater treatment continues flowing smoothly.

Any electrical components, such as motors, pumps, and valves, should also be inspected regularly to make sure there is no wear which might cause the quality of the wastewater to deteriorate – especially if they are operating at high capacity, such as in the cases of schools or apartments.

Capacity Issues

It might sound obvious, but ensuring that your leftover sludge has somewhere to go is key to the operation of your sewage treatment plant.

If sludge builds up inside your sewage treatment system, it could potentially cause untreated effluent to be discharged into the water supply.

Seasonal thunderstorms and flash flooding can be enough to overwhelm sewer systems, causing backflows which could cause serious disruption to your sewage treatment systems and drainage.

When installing your sewage treatment plant, ensure it has sufficient capacity to handle predicted sewage flow, and promote water conservation to make sure water is always available for when it is needed.

Be aware that the size of sewage treatment plants does not make them any less vulnerable to potential issues – even commercial sewage treatment plants should receive maintenance regularly.

Rainwater and surface water drainage should be kept separate from your sewage treatment systems, but you might also want to check your pipes and drains are not still clogged up with twigs, leaves, or other debris from spring rainstorms – these can work their way into your systems and clog things up and cause cracks to form.

If you are concerned about the condition of your drains, you can find more information about our drainage inspection services by clicking the link.

Roots and Weeds

Whilst you might want to get all green-fingered this summer, you should be mindful about the potential issues your plants could cause for your sewage treatment system.

The roots of large plants such as trees and bushes can weaken sewage treatment systems if they are planted too close – pipework and drainage could need replacing if roots become tangled and start causing damage.

Algae and weed growth can also disrupt the effectiveness of sewage treatment plants by clogging filters with debris as they decay – keeping an eye out for emerging weeds and other unwanted plants can help catch potential problems early, before they develop into more serious issues.

To keep the microorganisms inside working effectively, avoid flushing away gardening chemicals which could unsettle the chemical processes of your sewage treatment system – weed-killers, insecticides, and fungicides can kill off vital healthy bacteria.

Identifying A Problem

With regular maintenance, it is unlikely that your sewage treatment system will suffer from any serious problems, but there are some common signs that something might be wrong:

  • Bad odours and smells
  • Slow drainage or blockages
  • Excess weeds indicating leakage
  • Systems shutting down unexpectedly

If you suspect you have a problem with your sewage treatment system, or are thinking about installing a new sewage treatment plant, we can help.

Get in contact with one of our experienced team members today, and we’ll provide you with help and guidance to get your sewage treatment plant issues sorted.

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